Sustainable Design and Life Cycle Thinking

#MVGRTalks is a 15min session(s) to promote awareness of the latest happenings around the world on every Saturday at a venue (Digital Audiotrium/IIC Space).
These #MVGRTalks sessions shall provide an opportunity for the MVGRians to be aware of the latest trending socio-techno-innovative ideas, problem statements and project initiatives through our faculty, students, and a few resource persons.
Faculty and students shall be encouraged to go through various magazines, and articles available at our library.
We shall create a pool of useful resources at the library and make it available for interested speakers with the help Literary club(library team) and MVGRSLC.
This initiative shall encourage collaboration among various clubs and promote the curiosity of knowing things happening around the world.
This initiative shall encourage the participants to think innovative and use the knowledge of #MVGRTalks to think and evolve an innovative team with productive ideas/projects.
This initiative shall help the participants to identify oppurtunites workout/build their ideas and participate in various events(Smart India Hackathon etc.,).
Also this initiative shall try to map the resource(s) to requirement(s) i.e., trainers to trainees